3rd February 2025

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Local Housing Needs

The lack of affordable housing is a critical issue in Wye. In February 2022 the Parish Council invited every household in the parish to take part in a local housing needs survey (HNS).

The 2022 HNS established the current level of local need for affordable housing (both rented and shared ownership). The survey covered all ages, and also quantified the number of older households who wish to downsize or move to more suitable housing for their needs, and includes older households who are currently owner occupiers.

Wye Housing Needs Survey 2022

  • Report: Wye Housing Needs Survey May 2022 (PDF, 958 Kb)

    High property prices and a predominance of privately-owned homes means that some local people are unable to afford a home within the parish.

    Rural Housing Needs Surveys aim to investigate and establish the affordable housing needs of people who live in or have close ties to a parish or rural area, and provide an independent report of that need, if any, using a transparent and robust methodology. They also investigate the needs of older households if any tenure needing alternative housing.

    The 2021 'Parish Councillors' Guide to Rural Affordable Housing' states that 'Across the country there is a lack of affordable housing to rent or buy in many villages, in some there is none at all.

Further information about local housing

The Wye 2022 HNS evidence of housing need also informs the Wye Neighbourhood Plan Review. The previous survey of Wye in 2018 predated the pandemic and was out of date. If Ashford Borough Council considers a planning application for a 'rural exception site' the 2022 HNS will be a material consideration. The specialist rural housing enabler (RHE) for Action for Communities in Rural Kent analysed the survey responses in confidence, and confirmed household eligibility.

For further information about local housing need in Wye please see the Planning section.

For a comprehensive guide to the issues please see:

New Homes fact sheet 9. What is affordable housing? November 2023 published by Homes England

New Homes fact sheet 10. New homes in rural areas January 2024 published by Homes England

A guide to developing affordable homes in rural communities 2021, published by the Kent Housing Group

The Parish Councillors' Guide to Rural Affordable Housing 2021 published by the Rural Housing Alliance.

Rural Housing for an Ageing Population: Preserving Independence (HAPPI 4) and Infographics published by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Housing and Care for Older People 2017

Rual Housing Enabling Service

The Kent Housing Group set up the Rural and Community Housing Enabling Service (RACE) to take over the rural housing enabler role, previously provided by Action with Communities in Rural Kent (ACRK). This charity ceased to exist in 2024. RACE continues to work with parish councils across Kent and Medway, and follows the same survey methodology that ACRK used to establish housing need.

Last updated: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 10:11