Wye Highway Improvement Plan Draft (Phase 1)
Highway Improvement Plans (HIP) are a new, community-led approach, promoted by Kent County Council as the way forward. Wye Parish Council and Wye Moves have been working through the pandemic to find solutions to our traffic and parking problems.
As a start, the draft proposals aim to improve traffic flow around Wye village by making changes to double yellow lines and parking bays. The HIP relies on our local knowledge and now it is time to involve everybody, but to justify funding, the Wye community must support change.
Draft plans (Phase 1 traffic flow and parking)
Wye Parish Council invites residents to view and comment on the draft plans at information sharing events on Churchfield Green:
- Saturday 2nd October 2021, between 09.00 and 12.00.
- Saturday 16th October 2021, between 09.00 and 12.00.
(Wye Farmers' Market days)
Online comment form
Parking consultation (HIP Phase 1) online comments form (Word Document, 79 Kb)
If you missed the events on Churchfield Green in October 2021, please see the draft plans below and email your comments to the Parish Clerk clerk@wyeparishcouncil.gov.uk
Draft plans
Parking consultation PlanA Churchfield west Sept21.pdf (PDF, 336 Kb)
Draft Highway Improvement Plan A (HIP Phase 1) September 2021
Parking consultation PlanB Churchfield east Sept21.pdf (PDF, 408 Kb)
Draft Highway Improvement Plan B (HIP Phase 1) September 2021
Parking consultation PlanC High Street Sept21.pdf (PDF, 355 Kb)
Draft Highway Improvement Plan C (HIP Phase 1) September 2021
Parking consultation PlanD Cherry Garden Sept21.pdf (PDF, 290 Kb)
Draft Highway Improvement Plan D (HIP Phase 1) September 2021
Parking consultation PlanE Bridge Street east Sept21.pdf (PDF, 367 Kb)
Draft Highway Improvement Plan E (HIP Phase 1) September 2021
Parking consultation PlanF Bridge Street west Sept21.pdf (PDF, 461 Kb)
Draft Highway Improvement Plan F (HIP Phase 1) September 2021
Parking consultation PlanG Church Street Sept21.pdf (PDF, 351 Kb)
Draft Highway Improvement Plan G (HIP Phase 1) September 2021
Parking consultation PlanH Chequers Park Sept21.pdf (PDF, 293 Kb)
Draft Highway Improvement Plan H (HIP Phase 1) September 2021