3rd February 2025

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Working for Wye - past, present and future

Wye Village Design Statement

In 2016 Ashford Borough Council adopted the Wye Neighbourhood Development Plan as part of its borough Development Plan. The Wye Neighbourhood Plan Policy WNP2 incorporated the design principles and guidance established in the Wye Village Design Statement (VDS). The VDS also remains as a supplementary planning guidance (SPG) document in its own right. However, the VDS design guidance (pages 19 to 21) now carries much more weight in planning terms as a Development Plan policy than the original VDS did as a standalone guidance document.

The illustrated version of the VDS provides a descriptive context for Wye, and it is free to download below.

Design guidance and codes

The Wye Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) aims to shape and influence development within the parish with a set of tailored planning policies. Ashford Borough Council adopted the WNP in 2016 as part of its Borough Development Plan.

The current version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) "makes clear that creating high quality buildings and places is fundamental to what the planning and development process should achieve. This National Design Guide, and the National Model Design Code and Guidance Notes for Design Codes illustrate how well-designed places that are beautiful, healthy, greener, enduring and successful can be achieved in practice. It forms part of the Government's collection of planning practice guidance and should be read alongside the separate planning practice guidance on design process and tools. encourages the creation of design codes to raise the quality of development." National Design Guide 2021

As the WNP document is now subject to a review, it will incorporate a design code specific for Wye.

As part of the Wye Neighbourhood Plan Review (WNPR) process the Parish Council appointed specialist consultants from AECOM to prepare a new Design Code. The task is funded by a grant from Locality.

The Wye Design Code will provide a professional analysis of the different character areas within the parish. This analysis will include the built forms, building types and materials and street layouts found in Wye. Once adopted, the Wye Design Code will promote successful design and apply to any future housing development. Especially in the Wye Conservation Area. The whole parish is either within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), or contibutes to its setting.

The Wye Design Code will update and expand on the original guidance provided in the Wye Village Design Statement. Both documents aim to show what good design looks like, and ensure that new development will respond appropriately to its context, and enhance local character.

Last updated: Fri, 24 May 2024 14:07