5th January 2025

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Working for Wye - past, present and future

Street Lighting

Wye has 206 street lights and associated fittings. These are the responsibility of both Ashford Borough Council and Kent County Council Highways. Please report all faults directly to them.

During 2014 KCC started a 2 phase project to switch off street lights (either completely or between certain hours) in certain areas across Kent. This affects KCC owned lights, but not those maintained by the Parish Council or Ashford Borough Council.

KCC policy is to not switch off any lights in the following places:

  • sites of potential road safety concerns
  • on some main traffic routes
  • town centres
  • locations with a significant night-time traffic record between about midnight and 5.30am GMT (1am to 6.30am BST)
  • areas identified by the police
  • areas provided with local authority or police CCTV surveillance equipment
  • areas with sheltered housing and other residences accommodating vulnerable people
  • areas with a 24 hour operational emergency services site including hospitals and nursing homes
  • formal pedestrian crossings, subways and enclosed footpaths and alleyways where one end links to a road that is lit all night
  • where road safety measures are on place in the highway such as roundabouts, central carriageways islands, chicanes and speed humps.
  • street lighting that is owned by district, town and parish councils. However, these organisations may choose to make their own changes to lighting.

Safe and Sensible Street Lighting

KCC is switching of street lights in the following locations after midnight:

Abbots Walk

Bramble Close

Little Chequers

Old Vicarage Gardens


St Ambrose Green

The Twitten

Last updated: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 00:58