Live planning appeals 2022
Currently there are no live planning appeals
When a planning authority refuses a planning application, or has not determined it within a timescale fixed by the Government, the applicant has a right to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) to overturn a refusal, or make the decision.
PINS decides most appeals on the basis of an exchange of written statements (written representations process). The appeal parties must respond within a fixed deadline. Members of the public may also put their views in writing. An independent planning inspector will consider them and make a site visit before making a final decision.
PINS may consider more complex applications by hearing or exceptionally, a formal inquiry. The public may attend both processes and hear the evidence. PINS may manage these appeals as virtual or in-person processes, or as a hybrid combination. The local planning authority will forward any public or consultee comments made regarding the original planning application to the Planning Inspectorate, and send copies to both the appellant and the Inspector, who will take them into account when deciding an appeal.
Decided appeals
Tayes Barn, Silks Farm, Amage Road, Wye TN25 5DE
Proposed replacement of existing wooden front door and window unit which is in a state of disrepair with a black aluminium glazed unit.
Planning Listed Building and Conservation Area Appeal
22/00099/AS APPEAL Start Date 5th October 2022 (Refusal of Listed Building Consent)
Honest Miller, The Street, Brook, Ashford, TN25 5PG and Land between Tryfan and Willowcroft, Troy Town Lane, Brook
Proposed refurbishment of Public House, including extensions and fenestration alterations, provision of parking area and seating area with pergola. Conversion of Coach House into a Holiday Let and the erection of 4no. dwellings with associated parking, garaging, access, landscaping and biodiversity enhancements
21/01569/AS APPEAL START DATE 12th August 2022 (non-determination)