3rd February 2025

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A pin on a map marks a resident's FixMyStreet report of a fault near Hassell Streeton a map

Step 1. A simple FixMyStreet report. Step 2. One less hassle in Hassell Street.

FixMyStreet fault report button
Sunken gully grating in the road outside Wye Post Office
FixMyStreet example Report page screen showing The Green, Wye

Report, view, or discuss local problems like potholes, blocked drains, graffiti, fly tipping, broken paving slabs, or street lighting - just click the black 'Report' button

How to report a fault

(it's easy, accessible and free!)

1. Enter a nearby UK postcode, or street name and area;

2. Locate the problem on a map of the area;

3. Enter details of the problem

(Attach a photo if you can to give the call handler extra information and save you time);

4. FixMyStreet sends a report to the council, or appropriate body on your behalf.

The FixMyStreet website is designed to make it easy for you to report a problem anywhere, anytime – even if you don't know which organisation is responsible for fixing the problem, and you don't have time to find out.

Send your report anonymously

If you prefer, you can send your report anonymously.

FixMyStreet will acknowledge your report immediately, and the system enables you to monitor progress.

Just report the problem to FixMyStreet and let the system do the rest for you.

FixMyStreet maps the location of faults with a date and detailed description.

FixMyStreet maps the location of faults with a date and detailed description.

Getting problems fixed is simple

Drop a pin on the map, add any important details about your pothole, or other fault, attach a photo if it helps and press send. This should only take you a couple of minutes. As well as directing your report to the relevant council or utility provider, FixMyStreet will publish your report and any photos online, so everyone can identify whether a fault has been reported already, and follow progress.

Who fixes FixMyStreet?

Another job done: a KCC Highways crew responds to FixMyStreet and repairs potholes in Oxenturn Road, Wye

Another job done: a KCC Highways crew responds to FixMyStreet and repairs potholes in Oxenturn Road, Wye

About FixMyStreet

FixMyStreet is run by mySociety, a UK based not-for-profit social enterprise, and registered charity. FixMyStreet and other mySociety projects provide "socially focused tools with offline impacts"designed to "give people the power to get things changed."

FixMyStreet, was the UK's first nationwide fault-reporting website, launched in 2007. Every week, thousands of people use it to report potholes, broken streetlights, and other problems in their local area. You don't need to know who's responsible for getting problems fixed. Nor do you need to spend time trying to navigate your way to the right page of complex council websites, or deal with call centres. All you need to do is click on FixMyStreet. This is a https secure website and mySociety is a charitable project of UK Citizens Online Democracy (or UKCOD), a limited company (company number 03277032) and a registered charity in England and Wales (no. 1076346).

Who pays for these services?

"mySociety's work is funded by a variety of means: grants from charitable foundations, donations from private individuals, and commercial income from its trading entities." (Quotes taken from mySociety's website)

FixMyStreet is free to use

The website is designed to be easy to use 24/7, by anybody with a smartphone or computer.

FixMyStreet generates reports which go automatically to the people in charge of each type of problem. FixMyStreet also maps and publishes the problems online, so you can monitor progress and other people can see what the problems are, and where they are.

Last updated: Sat, 31 Jul 2021 14:35