3rd February 2025

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Closed consultations

Recent closed consultations, surveys and petitions

The closed consultations, surveys and petitions below are listed in ascending date order.

Kent Community Warden Service Review

Kent County Council is facing a financial challenge and is asking the Community Warden to reduce its annual budget by £1 million by 2024-2025. To achieve this level of saving, KCC will need to redesign the service.

Please read the Consultation document and complete the online questionnaire. KCC is keen to hear your views on its proposals and how any changes may affect you.

Consultation closes 3rd October 2023

Defra consultation on Protecting Hedgerows

As we replace the EU's land-based subsidies with our new farming schemes, we also move away from cross compliance regulation. Currently, farmers must not remove hedgerows without prior notice given to local planning authorities, must maintain a buffer strip along their hedgerows, and must not cut or trim hedgerows during bird nesting and rearing season.

We want to ensure the regulations work for wildlife, the environment and for farmers. This consultation is seeking your views on the best way to maintain and improve existing protections, as well as our approach to enforcement.

We are also seeking your views on where we should focus our ambitions for future hedgerow protections.

Online survey

Consultation closes 20th September 2023

Kent Emerging Local Transport Plan

Your feedback will help us to understand the transport challenges faced in Kent and ensure our ambition for the future of Kent's transport network is stretching but realistic, focusing on the right outcomes and objectives to make journeys better within our county whilst supporting the delivery of net zero by 2050.

Consultation closes 18th September 2023

NB. Consultation on the full draft Local Transport Plan expected early 2024

Kent County Council budget consultation 2024-2025

KCC needs to hear your views on its Council Tax proposals, - whether KCC is prioritising resources in the right areas, and - your suggestions for how KCC might find further savings.

"We significantly overspent our budget last year, mainly on social care services for older people and children and we are seeing similar challenges in this current financial year, with a continuation of the increasing demand for and cost of providing services...Since 2011 we have had to make savings of 67p in every £1 we currently spend."

Before you complete the consultation questionnaire KCC recommends that you read the Consultation Document which provides more information on KCC's budget and Council Tax.

Consultation closes 6th September 2023

Kent Bus Service Improvement Plan Consultation: Kent County Council is consulting on its Kent Bus Service Improvement Plan. KCC want to ensure that their Improvement Plan reflects the views of Kent residents and want to hear from users and residents about what would make bus travel more attractive. For further details please see https://letstalk.kent.gov.uk/busfuture

Ends 29th August 2021.

Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) survey on rural network coverage (mobile): DCMS are currently researching the impact of mobile coverage in rural areas. This is part of their Shared Rural Network programme which aims to increase mobile network coverage across the UK to 95%. Now, they want to find out how this programme can help you in your daily life. They want particularly to hear from you if you live or work in rural UK!

Consultation closed 2nd August 2021

2023 Review of Parliamentary constituencies: As highlighted in the 8 June Local Government Bulletin, the Boundary Commission for England (BCE) has published its initial proposals for new Parliamentary constituency boundaries. The proposals include increasing the number of parliamentary constituencies in Kent from 17 to 18. For further details please visit: https://boundarycommissionforengland.independent.gov.uk/2023-review/

Consultation closed 2nd August 2021

Lower Thames Crossing Community Impacts Consultation: Highways England is holding a further round of public consultation to seek views on:

Our plans to build and operate the Lower Thames Crossing and how we will mitigate its impact

Changes to the project since the design refinement consultation in 2020

How responses received at each of our previous consultations have informed the development of the project For further details please see Lower Thames Crossing consultation

Ends 23.59 8th September 2021

Ashford Borough Council is seeking views on its draft Corporate Plan 2022-2024, in particular if you think there are any gaps in the main document or the action plan. Email your reply to policy.team@ashford.gov.uk by

Friday 17th September 2021

Kent County Council 2022/2023 Budget Consultation: KCC is currently consulting on its draft 2022/2023 Budget. See Budget Consultation 2022-2023

' The financial outlook for Kent County Council (KCC) is currently highly uncertain and in all probability, we will like last year, have a budget gap to close. The lasting impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic recession on council spending and income remains unclear. This means that forecasting future years' spending, income levels from service users and from residents and businesses is less reliable than we have been used to in previous years. Added to this uncertainty we do not yet have any indication from government on what our grant funding will be next year or their expectations regarding council tax increases.'

Ends 19th September 2021.

Local Audit Framework consultation: Government is currently consulting on the Local Audit Framework - Section 8 of the consultation – paras. 120 to 131 (Questions 22, 23 and 24 cover smaller authorities) Local audit framework: technical consultation - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).

Ends 23.45 22nd September 2021

Kent County Council Household Waste Recycling Centres consultation: KCC has launched a six-week consultation 'Booking to visit a Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC)'. The consultation seeks views on the continuation of a booking system to visit KCC Household Waste Recycling Centres. The consultation questionnaire and supporting documents can be found at www.kent.gov.uk/wasteconsultation

Ends Thursday 30th September 2021.

Local Nature Recovery Strategies: how to prepare and what to include

Local Nature Recovery Strategies are a new system of spatial strategies for nature, which will cover the whole of England. They are established by clauses 100 to 104 of the Environment Bill and are designed as tools to drive more coordinated, practical and focussed action to help nature. The strategies are a new system of maps and proposed actions for nature's recovery. The Environment Bill will create a legal requirement for these to be created across England. This Defra open consultation seeks views on the implementation of Local Nature Recovery Strategies, an important new policy contained in the Environment Bill. Measures to reverse nature's decline will underpin the Nature Recovery Network. Environmental Improvement Plans and legally-binding targets, including the additional target for species abundance for 2030, will establish long-term policy direction and ambition.

To take part in this consultation follow Local Nature Recovery Strategies

Ends 23.45pm on 2nd November 2021

Improving Standards and Embedding Good Governance: Petition on the UK Government and Parliament website calling for Government to legislate to enable councillors to be disqualified or suspended for poor conduct

See Legislate to enable Councillors to be disqualified or suspended for poor conduct - Petitions (parliament.uk).

Ends 25th November 2021

Government consultation on making flexible working the default: The consultation seeks views from individuals and businesses on proposals to reform flexible working regulations. The proposals include making the right to request flexible working a day one entitlement, as well as introducing a day one right to one week's unpaid leave for carers.

See Making flexible working the default

The consultation deadline is 23.45 on 1 December 2021.

Kent Heritage Conservation Strategy Consultation: This draft Strategy presents KCC's strategic aims and objectives for how they will conserve Kent's heritage and inspire citizen engagement and connection.

For further details please see Kent Heritage Conservation Strategy Consultation

The consultation deadline is 13th December 2021.

Kent Design Guide: KCC and partners have refreshed and updated the Kent Design Guide as a website, and they welcome your views. The Kent Design Guide provides guidance on design for the built environment. It is intended as a useful resource for house builders, architects, engineers, town planners, other professionals working in the built environment, and residents. Design guidance is important so that good design standards are met and design leads to sustainably built places and communities in Kent and Medway.

For further details, seeKent Design Guide | Let's talk Kent

The consultation deadline on the Kent Design Guide website is 17th January 2022

National Transport and Highways Survey 2021/2022: Councils across the UK are asking residents to tell them what they think of transport and highways services in their area, and we're one of those councils. There are six independent surveys in total - feel free to take one or all of them. Apparently, each survey will only take a few minutes of your time. They are asking for your views on: accessibility; highways maintenance; public transport; road safety; tackling congestion; walking and cycling. For further details see - National Highways and Transport Survey 2021/22 | Let's talk Kent.

Ends 28th February 2022

Let's talk about Kent Libraries

We know that the library services we provide are hugely valued by local people. The Libraries, Registration and Archives Strategy) helps us to steer the service in the right direction. This is even more important as we continue to recover from lockdown.

Our current strategy runs until the end of 2022, and whether you are a current library user or not, we need your help to develop a new one. Our early conversations with library users, residents and partners will be vital in helping to shape Kent library services for the future.

Engagement closes 28th February 2022

Bus funding reduction consultation

Kent County Council (KCC) is currently consulting on proposals to make savings by reducing the money it spends on providing some bus services that private bus companies cannot afford to run, and which are no longer cost effective.

This consultation closes at midnight on 20 April 2022.

Please visit www.kent.gov.uk/bussavings to find out more and participate in this consultation.

Consultation: Have your say on the UK Covid-19 Inquiry

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is holding a public consultation to shape the final Terms of Reference. This will frame the scope of the Inquiry into the UK's pandemic response, led by Baroness Hallett.

The Inquiry is not at this stage seeking 'evidence'.

Anyone in the UK can take part in the online consultation, which will close 7th April 2022 at 23:59.

Plan Tree: Kent County Council's Tree Establishment Strategy 2022-2032

KCC's proposed Tree Establishment Strategy for the county, which includes targets for increased trees and extended tree canopy cover and the principles that should underpin any tree establishment.

The Strategy also outlines what objectives KCC wants to deliver by extending tree cover in Kent and delivering Plan Tree. The draft Strategy document set outs what actions KCC will take over the next ten years. Please read the draft Tree Establishment Strategy and either complete the online questionnaire or, download and print the Word version.

The online consultation will close 2nd May 2022

If you require any of the consultation material in an alternative format or language please email alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk(External link) or call 03000 42 15 53 (text relay service number: 18001 03000 42 15 53). This number goes to an answering machine, which is monitored during office hours.

Consultation on the Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan

The consultation on the Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan outlines a step change in how water companies tackle the number of discharges of untreated sewage, which the Government and the public have made clear are completely unacceptable. A growing population, Victorian infrastructure and an increase in extreme weather events has increased pressure on our sewer system, bringing the frequency of discharges to an unacceptable level.

Defra seeks views from the public on the targets as part of a suite of measures to be considered for the final Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan, which will be published in September.

The consultation is open from 31st March 2022 for six weeks, until 12th May.

Enforcing moving traffic offences: Traffic Management Act 2004 - Part 6

Kent County Council (KCC) is planning to use new powers to improve safety and tackle congestion by enforcing moving traffic offences, such as:

  • driving through a 'No Entry' sign
  • turning left or right when instructed not to do so (making banned turns)
  • entering yellow box junctions when the exit is not clear
  • driving where and when motor vehicles are prohibited
  • driving on routes that are for buses and taxis only.

These rules can currently only be enforced by the police under criminal law. The Department for Transport (DfT) announced in 2020 that they would be fully implementing the remaining elements of the Traffic Management Act under Part 6, which would allow Highway Authorities to undertake enforcement.

Our first step is to apply to the DfT for the powers to enforce key highway restrictions or prohibitions to make our roads safer and less congested. If KCC is granted these powers, we will be able to use them across the county. However, at first we are planning to use the powers at seven sites:

KCC Highways would like to hear your views on our plans to use new powers to enforce moving traffic contraventions and have provided this questionnaire for you to provide your feedback.

Consultation closes 9th May 2022

Kent County Council Budget Consultation 2023-24

"Kent County Council (KCC) provides a wide range of services to Kent communities, spending over £1.8 billion annually. We are very aware that these services, whether they are statutory (the services we must provide) or discretionary (the ones we can choose to provide) are highly valued by our communities. However, as in recent years, we know we will have to make some difficult decisions during the setting of the 2023-24 budget to ensure resources continue to be prioritised and money is directed to where it is needed most."

Consultation closes 5th September 2022

National Highways and Transport Survey 2022/23

Councils across the UK are asking residents to tell them what they think of transport and highways services in their area, and Kent County Council is one of those councils.

The National Highways and Transport Survey 2022/23 consists of six independent surveys - feel free to take one or all of them. Each survey will only take a few minutes of your time. You will remain anonymous by taking the survey online.

KCC is asking for your views on:

  • accessibility
  • highways maintenance
  • public transport
  • road safety
  • tackling congestion
  • walking and cycling

You can find out more about each below and the answers you give will help KCC to understand how you feel about our service and inform decisions about roads, cycling, bus services and public transport in Kent.

Survey closes 23rd February 2023

Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill:

Reforms to national planning policy

'This consultation seeks views on our proposed approach to updating to the National Planning Policy Framework. We are also seeking views on our proposed approach to preparing National Development Management Policies, how we might develop policy to support levelling up, and how national planning policy is currently accessed by users.' The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Published 22 December 2022

This consultation closes at 11:45pm on 2 March 2023

Last updated: Sat, 10 Aug 2024 16:30