5th January 2025

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Working for Wye - past, present and future


Wye has several registered charities which provide a variety of services and facilities for local benefit. These include:

Wye Alms House Charity - provides eight charitable dwellings for rent on the same site that the charity has occupied since 1562.

"...It was certified by archbishop Parker, to the privy council in 1562, that there was a poor-house at Wy, called le almeshouse, without a foundation, permitted, maintained, and upholden by Sir Thomas Kempe, only upon his charitable zeal; in which lived certain poor people of alms. It stands on the bank in Boltshill, and is now in six tenements, and has been for many years disposed of by the vestry..."

Edward Hasted, 'Parishes: Wye', in The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent (1798)

Thornhill School Foundation - awards grants to children and young people under 25 resident in Wye for books, clothes, tools and equipment in connection with studies at school, university or other educational establishment. The grants may also fund educational visits abroad or the study of music or other arts (except for children of primary school age), or sporting activities.

Wye Children's Playing Field Charity - funds sports and recreational activities for children and young people in Wye aged under 18.

Wye with Hinxhill Parish Council - is not a charity, but it provides maintenance support grants to:

  • the Wye Parochial Church Council, for churchyard maintenance
  • the churchwardens of St Mary Hinxhill for churchyard maintenance
  • Wye Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity, for core costs

Last updated: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 22:03