Assets of Community Value
Certain buildings and amenities act as hubs that support social interests. Social hubs are integral to the communities that use them and provide a place to meet, both formally and informally. Hubs can also provide a secure base from which organisations can deliver public services to the community. Typically these hubs could be a village shop, a pub, a community centre, a library, or an open space. The loss, whether through closure or sale of such buildings and amenities can create lasting damage in communities and undermine the provision of services.
Designation as Asset of Community Value (ACV) and the Community Right to Bid can enable a community to keep its vital buildings and green spaces in public use and ensure they remain as social hubs for the community in the future.
In 2022 the Parish Council nominated The Green, and the former Methodist Church (FMC) in Wye as ACVs. These initiatives succeeded and they are now both listed as assets of community value.
The Localism Act states that 'social interests' include cultural, recreational and sporting interests.' The designation process to register an ACV is set out in the Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012.