5th January 2025

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Search Wye with Hinxhill Parish Council

Working for Wye - past, present and future

Allotments (Wye Parish Council)

The Parish Council owns and manages two large allotment sites in the village, and Ashford Borough Council owns and manages a third, much smaller allotment site. Wye is fortunate to have over 60% of all the designated rural allotment land in the whole borough. Most parishes have none.

Image: Three allotments marked on the 1841 tithe map of Wye.

This map shows how the legal protection afforded to allotment land has preserved historic field boundaries. In 1962 Wye College acquired about one third of the Bean Field Allotments, to build the glasshouses. These were occupied until recently by Biological Crop Protection BCP Certis. <https://www.wyeparishcouncil.gov.uk/uploads/wye-college-brochure.pdf> The use of this land is still protected by a restrictive agricultural covenant held by Wye Parish Council. In 1961 Wye College acquired the east part of Churchfield Allotments to build the chemistry labs, the New Lecture Theatre and other educational buildings. KCC diverted the public right of way to its present route beside Churchfield allotments to accommodate the College expansion.


Red line - Churchfield Allotments (Parish Council) Post 1961 boundary, with access of Olantigh Road.

Blue line - Bean Field Allotments (Parish Council) Pre 1962 boundary, with access of Olantigh Road.

Green line - Bridge Street Allotments (Ashford Borough Council) current boundary, with access off The Twitten

Image: Three allotments marked on the 1841 tithe map of Wye.

This map shows how the legal protection afforded to allotment land has preserved historic field boundaries. In 1962 Wye College acquired about one third of the Bean Field Allotments, to build the glasshouses. These were occupied until recently by Biological Crop Protection BCP Certis. The use of this land is still protected by a restrictive agricultural covenant held by Wye Parish Council. In 1961 Wye College acquired the east part of Churchfield Allotments to build the chemistry labs, the New Lecture Theatre and other educational buildings. KCC diverted the public right of way to its present route beside Churchfield allotments to accommodate the College expansion.


Red line - Churchfield Allotments (Parish Council) Post 1961 boundary, with access of Olantigh Road.

Blue line - Bean Field Allotments (Parish Council) Pre 1962 boundary, with access of Olantigh Road.

Green line - Bridge Street Allotments (Ashford Borough Council) current boundary, with access off The Twitten

Churchfield Allotments are located north of the parish churchyard. Vehicle access is off Olantigh Road. There is limited parking on site.

Bean Field Allotments are located adjacent to Occupation Road, with limited parking on site. Vehicle access is off Olantigh Road.

The North Downs Way National Trail passes beside both allotment sites. Although the allotments are sheltered, both provide views over the North Downs and Stour valley.


Allotment Warden, Mrs Jane Burnham

Wye with Hinxhill Parish Council

For all enquiries about Beanfield and Churchfield allotments please contact the Allotment Warden.

01233 812 042

Allotments (Ashford Borough Council)

Ashford Borough Council owns twelve allotment sites in total. Of these, the only site outside the built up area of Ashford town is in Wye. (Given that the Parish Council owned and managed allotments in Wye long before Ashford Borough Council came into existence, there is an unanswered question about the legality of this dual arrangement).

Bridge Street Allotments are accessible on foot from The Twitten, between Bridge Street and Churchfield Way. Access is restricted to key holders only and there is no parking.


Allotment Officer

Ashford Borough Council

01233 330 528

Last updated: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 16:31